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Social Media Success!

A social media success story! Barbie Parsons @barbiethewelder is experiencing major success with her welding and metal art projects and is now a legitimate “metal artist on Instagram” It’s been a blast watching her grow.
The team here at Baileigh Industrial have a genuine interest in our customer’s successes. Barbie has been a pet project of ours for years. Helping her along with a push here and a feature there, she has become a regularly featured artist on the world’s largest fabrication page @baileigh_industrial  

 Soon, she will be getting major news coverage as she tells her rags to riches story about how she got started, what she had to sacrifice and how Baileigh played a major role in her social media success. Go show some support for this blue collared, ass kickin’ metal artist who hustles literally 7 days a week. With a fresh batch of black coffee running through her veins and a TIG torch in her hand, Barbie the Welder should be an inspiration to anyone looking to get started in the world of metal art. Now go smash that follow button and show her some love #baileigharmy


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