Train Works is a very unique company that produces unbelievable works of art and fabrication masterpieces. Fabricating 1.6 scale, 7.5 gauge rid-able trains from scratch. These units are featured in theme parks, pumpkin patches and even in the backyards of train enthusiasts all around the world. Check out their website:
Innovators in the Hobby Industry, Train Works is a family owned business out of Sutherlin, Oregon. Dad Mike Hedquist is the head head fabricator. Daughter Alicia Lazz and Mom Lynda Hedquist run the day to day office work. Son in law Tyler Lazz handles fabrication, paint and sales.
With some of the far out designs of these trains, the guys found themselves very limited by the standard style box and pan brakes on the market. Most of which have only a 4″ or 6″ box depth before running into interference issues with the machine. This creates a TIG welding nightmare when trying to duplicate some of the intricate features of a train.
Frustrated, Tyler and Mike contacted Baileigh Industrial and spoke with our sheet metal forming and shaping team. After sending us some drawings of what they wanted to build, the team proposed a solution to all of their problems, a magnetic box and pan brake. These trains are big, so they went with the six footer.
The BB-7216M Magnetic Box and Pan Brake has unlimited box depth, and unlimited bend radius. Here is a video of how it works:
“Baileigh Industrial has helped us grow 400% in production in the last year and become one of the hobby’s leading innovators. With the help of the six foot magnetic brake, we are now forming things never thought possible.”
Mike Hedquist